Practical information

Rooms are normally cleaned every second day. Please inform Fatou, our cleaner, if you would like more or less cleaning.

Bed sheets are normally changed twice a week.

Jainaba day off is on Saturdays and Fatou Sonko day off is on Sundays  there will be no cleaning that day.

Please leave your key in the lobby when you go out. It will be stored in a locked cupboard till you get back.

Our daytime and night time staff are Mustapha Omar and Kalipha, who are responsible for your comfort and safety day and night. They alternate the night duty for you safe sleep.

Amadou is the proprietor and mustapha is the manager and Amadou spend some time in Sweden. replaced by Mustapha when he is in Sweden.

You are welcome to use the kitchen downstairs. Please make sure you get operating instructions before first time usage of the gas cooker.

The water heater in the bathroom is to be switched on a short time before use and then switched off again after shower. The element inside burns from long time heating.

For your safety we kindly ask you to inform us if you leave the guesthouse for more than a day. For the guesthouse security, we kindly ask you to inform us if you have guests visiting. We normally do not allow night guests without additional payment.

The  swimming pool will be empty during the rainy season, due to practical and safety reasons.

You enter the pool at your own risk and you are responsible for your swimming abilities as well for looking after your children by the pool.

Check in time is after 14.00 and check out time is at latest 12.00. You can make special agreements and you can always use the downstairs living room for storage of your luggage the departure day.

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